Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Watching History

So its been awhile since I wrote last but its not because I have not been motivated but more because I have needed time to sort through all the things I have been thinking of. I guess the main motivation I've had is Barack Obama. What to say about him, I keep asking myself? There is so much one can say about a man who is redefining history with every step he takes towards being the leader of the free world. A man who loves his beautiful wife and children for the whole world to see. A man who's heart is called for the people of America, every color and creed. There is something about him that seems almost unreal because the timing is impeccable. It is almost like he was hand-picked for this exact calling. And when I say that I immediately think about the plan God has for everyone's life, mine, yours, his and hers. We all have greatness inside of us but only some of us are fearless enough to live up to the full potential of our greatness. We let situations, fear and other people deter us and sometimes hinder us from going after all the things we are capable of. What's so miraculous is that we think about Barack Obama giving that speech before 84,000 people in a football field that is only filled when the team is playing well but we dont consider all the things Obama could have used as an excuse for not thinking that big...the man was in an open arena as the first ever African-American presidential nominee...you dont think the thought of  a possible assassination ever crossed his mind...but I just dont think Obama sees boundaries only hurdles to jump over....and so as I watch history unfold. as I feel my heart swell over with pride. proud to be an American. proud to be an African- American. Proud to be a part of a country that would come together to make change. I vow to not stop. To not let fear and what if's keep me from life.love.happiness.salvation.my full potential....from making history. Obama 2008



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