Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Surround Yourself With the Right People

I have always heard that from so many people I grew up under "surround yourself with the right people" but it has never resounded so loud with me as it does now that I am a college graduate getting ready to move further into God's plan for my life. The thing about it is I am a fun, entertaining, lively person and so often people mistake that for a lack of focus, respect or drive...and I love to see the look on their faces when I prove them wrong. But even more important than my ability to break down misconceptions about myself has always been my ability to find people who were just as focused as me. I have had pretty much the same friends since middle school. Girls like me: focused, intelligent, confident, fun and loving. We all have goals, dreams (which are so much different than goals so many people confuse the two) and a strong desire to succeed at everything we do. When I am feeling like "well maybe I wont work out" or "maybe I wont use ALL of my talents"... one of them steps in and SHOWS me that I can do it by pushing forward in their own goals.By working out an extra day in the week or picking up extra hours to pay off her student account. They dont just talk about it they DO it and thats what keeps me motivated when I'm feeling a little less than Great. I guess I wrote this entry mostly because I see so many men and women hanging out with people who are so below them in will, self-respect, motivation, dreams, desires,etc...etc... and then they are surprised when they start to adapt the same ways. "You are what you eat"- and eating doesnt just have to be that thing you do when you're hungry, are you eating the bs that "some nigga is gonna give you what you need in life"? are you eating the lie that "you have your whole life to get focused"? are you eating the lie that you're not good enough to go after what you want? are you eating the lies you feed yourself? At any rate you are what you decide to be and no matter what you may try to tell yourself the people you surround yourself with will have a big affect on how and what you eat...


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