Monday, August 24, 2009

The New Thing in My Life

Now if you're following me on Twitter, are my friend, have heard me talk about love/like/mushy feelings at all- you'll know I have lots of hangups about going "there" with someone. And I am not talking about physically, I mean, what's the right way to put this, I just am not quick to actually like someone. Yeah, thats it. You have to first catch my attention and then keep it and then keep it some more and then maybe, just maybe, I'll like you forreal or at least enough to answer your phone calls on a regular basis. Ok I know right now people are like "Is this gonna be an angry, independent, lonely Dear John letter?" No! It's not. I am just setting up a clear picture for you so that what I am about to say next means even more :)

I LIKE SOMEONE!!  Lol, I do. He's Great. Pretty Great. 

And because I'm new to this whole "admitting that I like someone" thing. I am gonna need to blog a lot of my new feelings out. I've been really reluctant to talk about him ( i feel really weird calling him "him" Im gonna come up with an alias..hmmm...i really wanna steal "McDreamy" from Grey's Anatomy at least for the time being so...) but McDreamy has infiltrated my thoughts...its weird because im not "that girl"...ask anyone who knows me I tend to be able to balance the laws of attraction with everything else in my life just fine usually but something's new. So every day and time I feel something new that I haven't felt before/in a long gonna simply come here to my blog and address a quick note like this one:

"Dear heart, why are you feeling all funny? And why do you have me looking at my phone every 10 minutes? I'd like to get back to doing things my way...Thanks"

Hope you like the new design by the way...Peace

@bestnewactress :)


Blogger GBREY said...

Why are these things happening to both of the "free Milner's" at the same time. Good look w/yours sis!

August 25, 2009 at 11:13 AM  

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