Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bigger than Haiti

As the news reports keep updating the very devastating, extremely sad situation in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and neighboring areas I have seen (as well as have been a part of) many aggressive efforts to bring awareness, aid and relief in any way possible to those suffering so intensely. However I can't help feeling like "...and then what?"...we forget about it in 6 months? we pretend like these people haven't been suffering for many, many years? The truth of the matter is that we, in America, are selfish. We care about material, houses, weaves, fancy clothes, oversized handbags, etc...and we so often forget to lend a helping hand. To reach out to someone less fortunate. It always takes a natural disaster for people to reach out and mostly just to make themselves feel better but what about the fact that celebrities like Wyclef Jean have been pleading desperately for people to reach out to Haiti, where 80% of the population was living below the poverty line even BEFORE the earthquakes shook the city into chaos. Where were the facebook statuses, tweets, constant news coverages, blog posts and aid websites then? Were they not in dire need of help then too? This is in no way me standing on a soapbox and preaching to self centered Americans because I too am guilty. For example, I work in the very trendy and expensive Beverly Hills...all day I make sure that I give customers the best possible experience in my store but it was not until today that I even thought to SPEAK TO the very sweet homeless woman who is always on the many times have I walked right past her? It's not always about monetary gifts...a lot of times it's just about human kindness...I may not have changed her financial situation...but she smiled and we talked...I treated her like a human being. In the wake of a natural disaster where we see suffering and lost and devastation on the front page of every's easy to forget that there are people suffering all over this world...EVERY SINGLE DAY. In all areas of the globe. We don't seek out ways to help. We're too caught up in our everyday worries..."why can't I afford the swanky apartment I want?", "why can't I have my dream car right now?", "why am I not making six figures?"...replace those thoughts with "will I eat this week?", "where will I sleep tonight?", "will I live to see next week?"...your problems seem a little less significant, right? And what of the disasters that have come and gone...when was the last time someone gave time, money or aid to those still suffering from the huge blow that Hurricane Katrina left on New Orleans? What about those trying to recover still from the devastating Tsunamis that ripped through parts of Asia? Nothing. No word. And I know we cannot live in the past and must always be moving forward but I just use those examples to point out issues that are sensationalized, aided and then forgotten like an awards show or a good game in the Final Four tournament. There are countless numbers of them Save the Rainforest, Save Darfur...Go Green. They become trends. I have no idea how to change our way of thinking...but I can use my outlet to bring attention to our ease with forgetting how many people suffer to just make it from day to day here in our country and all over the world. I urge all of my readers and supporters to pray and help with the situation in Haiti in any and all ways possible...and after the smoke clears...and some celebrity does something crazy and becomes the top story...I urge you to continue to support...find below a link to CNN's page detailing how to get involved with helping. Be blessed and always remember to count your blessings...all of them...even on the bad days. <3

How to do your part- click here


This song has been on my mind every day since the story of the earthquakes I began to think of my own selfish desires..."if you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make a change"...that's real.

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Blogger Lovelyladyjb said...

WOW. So true. Sometimes we can't help but get so tangled in our own world of webs. We have to take a step back and look at the bigger picture!

January 15, 2010 at 7:57 AM  

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