Thursday, January 28, 2010

America is NOT heartless

I was really touched by the Hope for Haiti telethon that George Clooney and some of the biggest stars in Hollywood put on about a week ago. It's one thing to talk about sending money but there is something so much more touching about giving your time. Every single person on the telethon can be considered a part of the A List and dropping everything to be in the same place at the same come together for a greater admirable. Of course...some people will take a very pessimistic approach to appreciating what they did by saying things like "they're all takes nothing to fly in" or "they did it because George Clooney asked them"...and to that I say what have YOU done to help? Here are a few of the performances if you missed them as well as footage from worldwide coverage of the suffering in Haiti as they await some kind of recovery from the devastating quake that shook their worlds. Please continue to donate and pray for those who need it most. To date we, as Americans, have donated over 10 million dollars to Haiti and they still are not even close to providing everyone with the necessary items to get their lives back on track. Let's not give up.

John Edwards talks about the devastation

Anderson Cooper has been doing an incredible job of reporting

This was beautiful to me

Jennifer Hudson brought it home

I loved this...Wyclef has been standing up for his people for a while now



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