Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Note to My Dreamers

So it's actually been 10 days since my last post...{before the one right below this one :)}. I've had a lot of things going on. Ripping and running. Stretching myself pretty thin...I was even told I "looked tired" by a certain ::coughs:: special someone. But I digress. What I'm trying to that I'm pretty exhausted. I have the pleasure of knowing many hard working young people who are going after what they want in their lives. Aspiring photographers, actors, screenwriters, athletes, fashion name it. In talking to any of them at any given time...the consensus seems to be..."I've gotta just keep going...and it's hard sometimes". I totally agree with that sentiment. There is something so invigorating and yet frustrating about feeling like you're one step away from where you want to be in your life. Like needing to just move around 2 puzzle pieces to see the picture clearly or trying to figure out what button to push on's so stimulating to be almost there (yeah I said Minesweeper...dont act like you don't know what I'm talking about hehe). You look around and start to see the foundation you've laid begin to turn into a structure...and yet if you're like me...and have something resembling a skyscraper in your mind as a finished may overlook the 10 floors you've already build and tend to focus more on the 15 you have left. It's called passion, drive and's that little voice in the back of your head that says "all you need is that one thing to put you where you want to be" and makes you take that second acting class or keeps you in the gym for those extra hours when everyone's at home. It's what helps to separate those who want it because it's what they absolutely love more than anything in the world and those who want it because they hope that one day TMZ will follow them around Beverly Hills with cameras. In LA...I come in contact with so many people who have no real true love for what they say they're here to do...and it's heartbreaking...because for those of us who love what we do unconditionally...the fact that we have to compete with these people on any level is just ridiculous. I wrote this blog to say that I understand the desire of all dreamers and hard workers to just get where you've imagined being your whole life and I know gets to be a lot...and it can sometimes feel like while you're doing things the best way you know how it seems that you're moving at a small snail's pace...but remember while you're in it you sometimes can't see just how much progress you're making. So keep going...keep fighting and working for all the things you want...dig deeper when it gets tough. And know that there's someone doing the same thing :).

@bestnewactress :)


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