Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Are Entertainers Role Models?

Ok...so...this is a question that many celebrities get asked and conveniently when they're in the limelight and everything is going fine...they usually kindly accept and even...may i say...bask in the glow of their influence on others. HOWEVER when these "role models" run into controversy they are usually very quick to say "well I got into this to do what I love not to be a role model" So...what do I think?

I'll start with a few examples: Beyonce dons a leotard and tights in her "Single Ladies" video...Ive seen so many leotards this year I thought I was in a remake of Center Stage...Rihanna gets a daring, cutting edge haircut for her "Umbrella" video...scissor happy stylists all over the world are snapping some girl's long locks right as we speak (or taking her weave out or what have you)...even those "celebrities" made famous through their other abilities...Amber Rose is rocking a bald head...and right now there are women who are investing in the warmest hats for the cold winter ahead of them...and dont get me started on the men who wont let Iverson's braid phenomena go or how about my fellas who've been wearing black all year because Jay said so lol...So you kinda see what I'm getting at right? These people ARE role models whether they "signed up" for the position or not. They have to know that there are people (especially young people) who hang on their everyword/outfit/haircut/action and with that knowledge should come a sense of responsibility.

I wrote this blog mostly because after watching yet another video from Beyonce's I Am...Sasha Fierce in which Sasha is most definitely looking gorgeous and putting on a show with Lady Gaga (who shall be in my blog post about the demonic side of music...geesh)...I couldnt help but think she has so many young girls who are her fans who desire so strongly to be like her...and who will subconsciously decide that the way she dresses/behaves and expresses herself as a grown, married woman...is acceptable for a young, growing, UNmarried girl. And although we older girls (or young women or twenty somethings...whatever works) may not readily admit it or recognize it...subconsciously we begin to accept those things as well. This is in no way a Beyonce bashing article...I think she is an awesome entertainer...a really hard working woman and a fellow Virgo artist like myself ;)...im just shedding a little light on a situation that is too often locked in the dark closet. Many people may know that I have a little sister who I LOVE with all my heart and honestly I could NEVER take her to a Beyonce concert...for fear that I'd walk into her room and find her dipping it low and popping her goodies while singing "its too big...its too strong...it wont fit" *kanye shrug* Im just saying. There are so many artists in the same vein as Beyonce who get a pass and are deemed "America's Sweethearts" or "Women of the Year" and it confuses me...its baffling...they cover the magazines geared to young girls and they are WOMEN not girls...they sing about WOMEN's issues/feelings/desires/pains/relationships but they get away with it and we allow it...and then for the little boys...I dont even know what will become of them if someone doesnt talk about something...ANYTHING...other than sex/clubbin/womanizing or "getting money"...its scary to consider how many little boys cant wait to grow up and get money so that he can instruct some woman to bust her p***y open and then tell her to bring it back as his hero Lil Wayne would so eloquenly put it...so per usual I dont have the solution to this problem...just starting the conversation...hoping it will get you guys talking.

And yall know its just my thoughts...



Two of my biggest role models :)- so real....


Blogger Lovelyladyjb said...

I don't think it's fair for them to be considered role models. However, they are in every since of the word. While this may not be fair, they still have to know that there are people looking up to them. I don't really know if there is an answer to this question that you are posing.. Media is it's own element and they will put up anything that sells, on the other side of things, artists don't by any means practice their profession for FREE.

Its all in the love of Money..

November 18, 2009 at 10:27 AM  

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